My Offers

A Quick Check-In

You are looking for clarity, if you are in this cosmic walk-in process or not?

You are unsure about what is happening in your ascension process right now?

You want to talk to someone who has walked this path before?


You’ve come to the right person. I am in the conscious ascension process since the Harmonic Convergance , 15th to 17th of August 1987. The first anchoring of my 5th dimensional Higher Self in my physical body happened in November of 2012. The last anchoring of a group of higher dimensional selves in my physical body happened very recently.

Bring one or two issues to a quick check-in session and we will find out what is relevant for you right now to focus on, probably also checking-in with your spirit-guides, teachers, masters and councils of light as well as your own Akashic Records.

You have a choice of a 30 or 60 minute session, please book here.

1 to 1 Cosmic Walk-In Starseed Coaching/Mentorship

You are serious about your ascension. You know that you came here with a purpose.

You would like to improve your communication skills with your spirit-guides, ascended masters and councils of light.

You would like to establish a daily spiritual practise.

But you don’t know where to start.

Let us work together in four sessions during one month. A  deep dive into your issues to gain clarity on your spiritual path and purpose and how to work best with your spirit-guides and higher self.

Based on the findings you will be able to establish a daily spiritual practise that can grow with you as you advance.

Please let us talk before we embark on this very personal journey for the two of us, to see if we are a good fit for each other. Please use the contact form in the footer.

Cosmic Walk-In Circle

Have you experienced the 1 on 1 mentorship or had several quick check-ins?

Are you longing for exchange with people in similar life-situations and my expertise a a certified life- and career-coach as well as an ascension mentor?

Are you now ready to be part of an intimate circle of like-minded people who are on the same path as you are?

The cosmic walk-in circle is ideal for people who have been on the ascension path for a while and want to continue their path in a circle of other cosmic walk-ins  for support as well as receiving my input, similar to a mastermind group.

In this three-month-hub we meet every month for one in-depth meeting of several hours to dig deep, release the old, receive energetic upgrades and pave new paths for our individual ascension mission as well as three times for shorter quick check-ins.

If you are interested in this and have worked with me before, plesse use the form below to drop me a line.Â